

  • Philosophy of the Humanities 2: European Studies. BA compulsory course, 6 EC, University of Amsterdam
  • Democracy in the European Union. MA elective course, University of Amsterdam, 6 EC, University of Amsterdam
  • Digital Activism Course, MA elective course, University of Amsterdam, 12 EC
  • Diplomatura Gobernanza de Internet, Universidad de San Andrés


  • Data Futures Lab on Digital Urban Futures, 200-level “intensive” Social Sciences course designed and taught at Amsterdam University College
  • Research Skills Methodology Tutorial, Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis, University of Amsterdam


  • Networks and Protocols – European Summer School on Internet Governance – Meissen, Germany


  • Digital Methods Winter School – University of Amsterdam
  • European Summer School on Internet Governance – Meissen, Germany

2007 – 2013

  • Introduction to journalism – Egypt, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Somalia, Morocco, Iraq, Afghanistan

2012 – 2013

  • Introduction to Digital Security for Human Right Defenders and Journalists – Ethiopia, Netherlands, Somalia

2011 – 2013

  • Mobile Content Production & Digital security – Egypt, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Somalia, Morocco, Iraq

2007 – 2011

  • Radio journalism – Ethiopia, Somalia, Afghanistan